Rainbow Background

Our Approach

Our Mission

We hope to inspire each one who visits our site to understand the importance of the rainbow symbol because it has special meaning and instruction for those living at this time in earth's history.

There is much more to the rainbow than just something pretty. The rainbow was first given to Noah and his family. Listen to what Jesus said about our day.

(Luk 17:26) And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

I believe we need the rainbow message now!

Our Story

Our Story

We began our ministry in 1999 with the publication of The Mystery of the Rainbow. The small size of the book limited our ability to fully explain The Angel's Rainbow and its multifaceted meaning and symbolism. So we focused primarily on the lessons of unity that are illustrated in the rainbow. We also covered some aspects of the counterfeit meaning of the rainbow that has been pawned off on this world by the fallen angel in his attempt to deceive and mislead the followers of Jesus. He even has a counterfeit for unity that he successfully promotes.

The fallen angel once stood at the very throne of God, and he knows, better than anyone, the true meaning and significance of the rainbow. Why else would he work so hard to create counterfeits for this beautiful symbol from God's throne?  He doesn't want people to know and understand what this series is attempting to make known. So he has done everything in his power to hinder the completion of this project. He has used sickness, computer crashes, technical problems, and other things to delay us in making these books available.

The fallen angel doesn't want anyone to have a correct understanding of God, but it is our hope and our prayer that you will find that these books will help you to understand God and His great love more than you ever have before.

Our Team and the Reason for Our Ministry

In 1999, the Lutheran Church signed a joint declaration with the Roman Catholic Church. During the 20 years preceding that historic event, I was friends with a Lutheran minister who was involved in promoting unity between the two churches. I said to him, "Martin Luther, as well as the other Protestant Reformers, believed that the Pope and the Papal system are Antichrist." He replied, "Oh, I know he used to be, but he isn't anymore, he's changed." I told him, "Once a counterfeit, always a counterfeit. I wonder if I could convince the U.S. Treasury that my counterfeit twenty dollar bill has become the real thing?" In his mind, the unity of Christ's Church was more important than the truth of the Bible and its doctrines. But God Himself was not able to maintain unity in heaven or on this earth without the adherence of all to His Law―the Ten Commandments which are the foundation of His government.

As I thought about that conversation with this minister of the gospel, I remember thinking, "This is just what the Bible prophesied." Protestants and Catholics would join hands across the gulf that has separated them for 500 years. With a sincere desire to help him, and others like him, to understand Jesus' plea for unity among his followers, I set out to write a book. The end result was seven books.

Providentially, it was in the same year that the two churches finally reached an agreement and signed the Joint Declaration, that I published my first book, The Mystery of the Rainbow & The Showdown Between Two Angels. The following statement appeared on the back cover of that first volume: "The ancient forces of light and dark wage battle for the control of men's minds."  Using the rainbow symbol, I showed that those who enter the holy city, which has 12 foundations and 12 gates of pearl, will have the mind of Jesus. They will have the righteous character that Jesus possesses. While  each person will reflect the righteous character of Jesus in his own unique way, they will be in unity with Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and each other. The diversity of temperaments does not involve a diversity of beliefs. As I pointed out in The Mystery of the Rainbow, opposing beliefs cannot both originate with God. To say it doesn't matter what you believe is to say it doesn't matter whom you believe―God, or His enemy, the fallen angel. This angel deceived a third of the angels in heaven, so his deceptive power is great.  The Word of God must be the foundation of our beliefs and not our own human reasoning.

Cooper Twins Bk Cover 1

Authors, the Cooper Twins Wanda & Sandra

Founder & CEO

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